Below are some of the many COACT, Inc resources Data Sheets Detailed information on COACT, Inc services NIST SP 170-171 compliance consulting, documentation development, and assessment services. IT services: communications, cyber security, systems maintenance and administration, installations, and security engineering. SCAP, FIPS, or CC certification consulting services, independent evaluation, and testing. Accredited Conformity Assessment Body (ACAB) consulting and assessment services to prove compliance. FedRAMP, DIACAP/DoD RMF, and NIST RMF consulting, documentation development and assessments. Capabilities Statement Overview of COACT’s corporate capabilities, service offerings, and company certifications. Statement of COACT’s corporate capabilities, service offerings, and company certifications. Whitepapers Authoritative reports on relevant topics. Protecting CUI in Nonfederal Organizations Cyber 9-Line; Improving Incident Response Across U.S. Defense Agencies Standardizing APT Detection and Response